Monday, July 16, 2007

Baby Carrots ... No Thanks!

I routinely purchase the bags of the baby carrots at the grocery store. I'm a big fruit and vegatable eater, plus I like carrots as munchies and in sauces, stir frys and salads.

The baby carrots always seemed like a better option because they were conveniently cut down, ready to go. Until I read this post - Baby Carrots - The Frugal Idea than Isn't - at Wisebread via The Simple Dollar. Another example of why I love personal finance blogs, I'm saying no to baby carrots. And saving money!!

In a nutshell, baby carrots are just the too ugly to sell, then peeled, cut and marked up triple the price versions of regular carrots. And all of us our buying them. What a crock!! (Also ... too bad I'm not a carrot farmer!)

I'm never buying baby carrots again. And yesterday at the grocery store, I explained this to my boyfriend and he put back his bag and we both bought ourselves the regular bags of carrots and saved ourselves over a dollar each.

This morning, I took two of my less expensive pretty carrots, washed them, sliced them up and was good to go in just a matter of a minute. They are part of my lunch brough to work today and I won't be spending any money today. Good stuff!

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