Thursday, July 12, 2007

A good mistake

After years of only balancing my checkbook at the end of the month - a habit finely honed since I was a silly 16-year-old receiving her first hint of financial responsibility ... YOU MEAN I GET MY OWN CHECKBOOK?! - I've started balancing my checkbook on a nearly daily basis over the past six months.

With much great thanks to my dear friend the Internet and the handy little free registers I pick up from my bank, there is a certain joy and calmness in knowing exactly where you stand with your money.

I've even gotten better at marking down my outgoing items, not right when I do it yet, but at least within the next 12 hours for sure. If I don't have the receipt immediately on me, the timeliness of my habit helps me remember how much I had to spend. And I always round up if I'm unsure. Which means I get to then add back in some change when the outgoing item clears and I can verify how much I spent.

This just happened this morning. My sister and I went to go see the new Transformers movie. The ticket cost me $9.00 - I won't tell you how many times I stood there gaping at the rediculous cost and then the snacks too (Thank god I don't really go to movies anymore!) - but the next morning, I couldn't remember so I recorded $9.50. This morning, I did a little a happy dance over the fifty cents I just got back. Sweet.

And no ... I don't feel one bit rediculous over saving myself fifty cents. And yes, I still pick up pennies on the street. :)

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