Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Job Lead

Today my friend N messaged me with a potential job offer down on the north side of Chicago.

One back in my previous career route in athletics, basically saying it could be mine if I wanted it (he's a good old friend from college and we both know I have 3 job pluses of education, experience and networking) plus I'd likely be handling a major client that would likely win a major championship this year.

Definitely thought about it for five seconds ...

But I said no because not only have I just moved in with my boyfriend to his great newer house (he's just had it one year), but I've got pokers in the fire for a potential return to that same career route here in my town.

Plus, Chicago ... I know I couldn't afford it. It would likely ruin my killing off debt plans. And I miss everything up here too much. My boyfriend is even from Chicago (college and after anyway), but he wouldn't move back down there.

It's nice to know I'm thought of though. And I just think, offers like this will come up again if I keep moving forward down the right path.

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